Reconciliation is our second core function at Overcomers.
We reconcile people back to the heart of God as well as to themselves and others.
The Reconciliation Function Covers:
1. Salvation
2. The Secret Place
3. Knowing Who You Are in Christ (Identity)
4. God's Love
5. God's Voice
6. Spiritual Warfare / Authority in Christ
7. Reconciliation to Self
8. Reconciliation to Others
These Are Implemented Through:
Spiritual Guidance (Click Here)
Group Teachings (Click Here)
Reconciliation Binder (Click Here)
We reconcile people back to the heart of God as well as to themselves and others.
The Reconciliation Function Covers:
1. Salvation
2. The Secret Place
3. Knowing Who You Are in Christ (Identity)
4. God's Love
5. God's Voice
6. Spiritual Warfare / Authority in Christ
7. Reconciliation to Self
8. Reconciliation to Others
These Are Implemented Through:
Spiritual Guidance (Click Here)
Group Teachings (Click Here)
Reconciliation Binder (Click Here)
Contact Us: 320.282.1589 / [email protected]
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